CountryLast Membership MemberAddress LinesContact PersonEmailsTown
BeninNUTRITION SOCIETY OF BENIN / SOCIETE DE NUTRITION DU BENINAbomey-Calavi Campus, 03 BP 2819, CotonouDr Evariste 
Burkina FasoSOCIÉTÉ DE NUTRITION DU BURKINA FASO (SNB) – NUTRITION SOCIETY OF BURKINA06 P.O. Box 9722 Ouagadougou 06 (West Africa)Dr Ousmane Ouedraogonutrition.bfa@gmail.comOuagadougou
CameroonCAMEROON ASSOCIATION OF NUTRITIONAL SCIENCESEnsai University of Ngaoundere P.O. Box 686 Ngaoundere CameroonDr Carl M.F. Mbofungcmbofung@yahoo.comNgaoundere
CÔTE D’IVOIRECÔTE D’IVOIRE NATIONAL NUTRITION PROGRAMMEMinistry of Research and Education, BPV 47 AbidjanDr Pierre, pnn-ci@aviso.ciAbidjan
EgyptACADEMY FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY (Egypt)16 Kasr El Aini StreetProfessor Habiba Hassan- Wassefbio_egypt@hotmail.comCairo
GhanaGhana Academy of Nutrition and DieteticsUniversity of Ghana, Department of Nutrition and Food ScienceProfessor Kingley Kwadwo Pereko.;Accra
GuineaRESEAU GUINÉEN DES NUTRITIONISTESBP 1147, Conakry République de Guinée, BP 1147, University of Conakry, GuineaMr Ahmadou Sadio Diallodasgobicko@yahoo.frConakry
LibyaFood Science and Technology Department of Tripoli University, LibyaElfatah UniversityProf Yousef M. Tripoli
NigeriaNutrition Society of Nigeria Professor W.A.O Afolabiafolabiwao@yahoo.comYarba
SenegalAssociation de Nutrition et d’Alimentation du Sénégal (ANAS) Ms Valérie QUENUM NDIAYEvalndiaye@hotmail.comDakar
Sierra LeoneSierra Leone Association of Nutritionists54A Bango Farm Road Adonkia, C/O Central Medical Stores, Jumu Kenyata Road, New England Ville, Directorate of Food and NutritionMr James Ponga Moribajames.moriba@yahoo.comFreetown
SudanSUDAN NUTRITION DIVISION, MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL WELFAREP.O. Box 303, Khartoum, SudanDr Kamal Ahmed Mohammedsihamnausa@yahoo.comKhartoum
The GambiaGAMBIA NUTRITION SOCIETY GAMNUTSBertil Harding Highway, Bakau, C/O National Nutrition AgencyModou C Phall or Haddy; hcrookes@nana.gmBanjul
MaliRéseau Malien des Nutritionnistes (REMANUT) Pr Akory AG Iknaneakory.agiknane@gmail.comBamako
MarocSociété Marocaine de Nutrition, Santé et EnvironnementAdress: 13 bis rue esaidia cil Casablanca, Morocco Pr Jaâfar HEIKEL Rabat
NigerSociété Nigérienne de Nutrition(SoNiNut) Habsatou DIAKITEhabsatou.diakite@wfp.orgNiamey
UgandaUganda Nutrition Society Nelly Birungi- President. Ernest Bumba- Secretary General Kampala
RwandaRwanda Nutrition Society Kamanzi Odetterwandanutritionsociety@gmail.comKigali
ZambiaNutrition Association of Zambia Patricianazpresident@ZMB@gmail.comLusaka